How the Light Gets In A Chief Inspector Gamache Novel Louise Penny 9780312655471 Books

How the Light Gets In A Chief Inspector Gamache Novel Louise Penny 9780312655471 Books
How the Light Gets In: A Chief Inspector Gamache Novel is Louise Penny's ninth novel, but it is the first one of her books that I have read. I knew that the books had a reputation for being well written and having interesting characters, so I decided to give them a try. I began with this newest book so I had no background or preconceived notions.The book is set in Quebec close to Christmas, but for Chief Inspector Armand Gamache things are not going well. Most of his top agents in Homicide are no longer with him, and his old friend Beauvoir no longer speaks to him. It is at this point that a friend of a friend in the village of Three Pines turns up missing. Gamache agrees to investigate, and complications abound. The story moves right along to the end.
The characterizations in Ms Penny's book are excellent and the plot is very well done. I am ready now to go back to the beginning of the series and read Still Life. I need to catch up on what I have missed. I highly recommend How the Light Gets In.

Tags : How the Light Gets In: A Chief Inspector Gamache Novel [Louise Penny] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <b>The #1 New York Times</i> Bestseller</b> <b></b> <b></b> There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. ―</i>Leonard Cohen Christmas is approaching,Louise Penny,How the Light Gets In: A Chief Inspector Gamache Novel,Minotaur Books,0312655479,Mystery & Detective - Traditional,Gamache, Armand (Fictitious character),Gamache, Armand (Fictitious character);Fiction.,Missing persons,Missing persons;Fiction.,Mystery fiction,Police - Quaebec (Province),Police;Quâebec (Province);Fiction.,Quaebec (Province),060301 Minotaur Books-Minotaur Books CR Yr,Crime & mystery,English Canadian Novel And Short Story,FICTION Mystery & Detective Traditional,Fiction,Fiction - Mystery Detective,FictionMystery & Detective - Police Procedural,Mystery & Detective - Police Procedural,Mystery & Detective International Mystery & Crime,Mystery And Suspense Fiction,MysterySuspense,Police,Quâebec (Province),New York times bestselling mystery series; new York times bestselling mysteries; award winning mystery series; award winning mysteries; best mystery series; best mystery books; best mysteries; Detective gamache; traditional mysteries; traditional mystery books; police detective; police fiction; police books; detective books; mystery detective; detective stories; detective novels; detective fiction; best detective; mystery thriller suspense; mysteries thrillers and suspense; Canadian authors; Canadian writers,mystery books; mystery thriller suspense; mystery series; mysteries and thrillers; mystery authors; mystery writers; detective novels; mystery detective; books mystery; mystery and thrillers; detective stories; mystery novels; mystery series books; mystery and suspense books; mysteries thrillers; mystery detective; detective books; mystery suspense; mystery suspense books; detective novels; mystery fiction,FICTION Mystery & Detective Traditional,FictionMystery & Detective - Police Procedural,Mystery & Detective - Police Procedural,Mystery & Detective International Mystery & Crime,Fiction - Mystery Detective,English Canadian Novel And Short Story,Mystery And Suspense Fiction,Police,Quâebec (Province),Fiction,MysterySuspense,Crime & mystery
How the Light Gets In A Chief Inspector Gamache Novel Louise Penny 9780312655471 Books Reviews
I’ve read 8 books in this series, this one being the most recent. I recommend these books except the one that features the extremely boring Samuel “Big D” Champlain. The rest of the series is a bunch of light, fun mysteries and the Inspector is a quite a likable character.
Here are a few things I have observed from this series
- Read them in order. I read the most recent one first and then when I went back to read from the beginning of the series, it was easier figure out who the murderer was because they are missing from the village in subsequent books. I tell you this so you don't make the same mistake that I did.
- People eat lots of soup in Quebec. Lots o’ soup.
- And Tim Horton’s. Tim Horton owes this author big time.
- The poetry by the character Ruth is terrible, without exception.
- You will be reminded many many times of what the inspector’s cologne smells like.
- The Inspector is something of a clothes horse. I didn’t realize cops in Quebec got paid so well.
- Two of these books have featured overly complicated nonsensical ways to murder people, which was weird.
- My favorite line in all of these books so far “It smelled of spiders.”
- There is always at least one implausible thing happening in each book. I don’t mind this so much, but it takes me right out of the story. For example
--In one book, a character wallpapers an entire house in 3 days. If you’ve ever hung wallpaper, you know this is just not possible.
--In another book, the inspector hires a bunch of people who he doesn’t like and who are out to get him. Why?
-- In the murder in the monastery book, one guy gets hooked on Oxy and experiences withdrawal symptoms, all in 24-36 hours. Come on.
-- In still another book, the inspector brings everyone to a haunted house to reveal who the murderer is, but midway through his speech he excuses himself and goes into another room in the house to confront his cop arch-nemesis. That done, he returns to the first room and finishes telling the assembled suspects who did it. The murderer was nice enough to stay for the reveal.
I have been a Louise Penny follower since Still Life was published and feel very proud to be an early "discoverer" of her talent. In today's fast paced, 15-second sound bite world it is an absolute delight to sink into the Three Pines world where extensive details, descriptions, characters, back stories slowly unfurl and the willingness for delayed gratification is an absolute must.
The latest addition, How the Light Gets In, is a powerful, interesting mystery/suspense story that goes much deeper than any others I have read other than, perhaps, P.D. James. The characterizations that have built throughout the series are unmatched, I believe, in detail, connections and resolution.
I will not go into the plot, but I do feel it absolutely necessary that the reader take the time (and absolute pleasure!!) to read the series from Still Life through Beautiful Mystery (although this was my least favorite and absolutely broke my heart) before starting How the Light Gets In. Yes, you could read the current volume as a stand alone, but I believe you will only be able to get a 4 star experience rather than the 5 star you deserve (and Ms. Penny deserves)without the back stories, conflicts, betrayals, reunions and cliff hangers in which you will live.
For example Without have read the previous volumes before How the Light Gets In - you won't fully understand the poignancy of
(1) Jean-Guy, Ruth and Rosa on the bench as Ruth sends Rosa with JG
(2) Gabri holding the B & B open and providing Gamache with ham sandwiches and cocoa in the dead of night
(3) Clara's transparent portrait of her husband
Finally, I was thoroughly immersed in Three Pines and surrounds from the minute I started the book...the last 70 or so pages had my teeth chattering...Ms. Penny has created characters that I really, really care about. And she blew me away with some of the ah-ha moments. I don't want to ruin anything, so I will just vaguely say that I never saw the ending, no way, no how!
Thank you Ms. Penny...I saw somewhere that this was number 9 of 10 planned. I certainly hope to see more of Gamache, even if in a new life!
So, I was in the hospital Aug. 26-28 with pneumonia...picture if you will, midnight arrives...I can't go to sleep. I have been waiting over 6 months for the unveiling of How the Light Gets is cranked up, the hospital Wi-Fi is grudgingly letting me in and I wait with bated breath (somewhat enhanced by the pneumonia I admit!) for the download of Ms. Penny's latest. Alas, I wait and wait and wait...the nursing aides take my temp, bring me meds and otherwise helpfully distract me. Finally, finally around 300am on Aug. 27 the download occurs. Why the delay ? Must you hire extra elves to individually push the download button for each preordered ebook? Oh well...perhaps my grumpiness was enhanced by a lack of oxygen and sleep...and Ms. Penny's latest was well worth the wait.
With each book of the Chief Inspector Gamache series I say that it's my favorite. How Louise Penny consistently surpasses herself is in itself a mystery! Yet she does. How the Light Gets In takes its title from Anthem, a song written and sung by Leonard Cohen, the light being goodness, which in spite of all the terror, nefarious acts, anxiety, even murder, always can be seen. The light gets in. The murder in the novel is secondary; friendship, loyalty, and love are paramount and triumph. As many have said, and I repeat, it's very necessary that if you embark upon this series you do so in order. Each book references those that have preceded it and you need those references for optimum understanding of the various characters and events.
How the Light Gets In A Chief Inspector Gamache Novel is Louise Penny's ninth novel, but it is the first one of her books that I have read. I knew that the books had a reputation for being well written and having interesting characters, so I decided to give them a try. I began with this newest book so I had no background or preconceived notions.
The book is set in Quebec close to Christmas, but for Chief Inspector Armand Gamache things are not going well. Most of his top agents in Homicide are no longer with him, and his old friend Beauvoir no longer speaks to him. It is at this point that a friend of a friend in the village of Three Pines turns up missing. Gamache agrees to investigate, and complications abound. The story moves right along to the end.
The characterizations in Ms Penny's book are excellent and the plot is very well done. I am ready now to go back to the beginning of the series and read Still Life. I need to catch up on what I have missed. I highly recommend How the Light Gets In.

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